Home Equity Loans & Lines of Credit

With a NCF Home Equity Loan you might be able to save money on our special low, locked-in interest rate that could be 100% tax-deductible (consult your tax advisor). You’ll enjoy the convenience of affordable monthly payments over a fixed time period and you might be able to save even more by paying off higher interest obligations such as department store charges. Apply online today with our Secure Loan Application

With our Home Equity Credit Line, you can also enjoy lower interest rates and tax savings benefits… and whenever you need money, just simply write one of your credit line checks. To find out whether you’re in a good borrowing position, and the maximum amount you should be able to borrow, take our NCF One-Minute Home Equity Loan Test.  Then, call your local branch or apply online today with our Secure Loan Application. We’ll get back to you right away with the answer you need.

Got A Minute? 

Take a One-Minute Test to see if you’re in a good borrowing position. It's quick and easy.


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